Monday, December 1, 2008

my ... odd dream

this is my dream... really i am sharing it? uh yeah...

I apparently was a government agent in the first half of my dream. I swear to you I make none of this up. Totally trippy. Ok so I was in this building and I knew (as you usually do in dreams) that the pizza factory across the street was going to blow up. Bomb or something. Apparently when pizza gets superheated it gives off pizza-acid. But pizza-acid is poisonous and burns you to the bone if it touches you. And since the pizza factory was going to blow up, the pizza was going to get superheated in the fire, fly into the air, and rain on the city causing mass destruction and death.
I knew i could save this one group of 10 or so people in the office building where I was. I told them the situation, said not to panic, and bid everyone watch out the window to see when the building explodes. Sure enough, the building exploded and it began to rain pizza acid on the streets. The sky darkened and all I could hear were sirens and screams. The pizza acid was boring into the building we were in and the other people were in a frenzy trying to get out of the building. (Bad idea, obviously.) I took my 10 or so people and shoved them down the laundry chute. We'd be safe there. surely.
When we all get down the laundry chute we're suddenly in a giant warehouse. The situation reminded me of the Antiques Roadshow, but it was a pet-matching service. Experts matched you, based on your personal qualities, to your ideal pet and sent you on your merry way. I saw a guy go out with an iguana and a woman go out with a horse before I moved on and walked out the back door, feeling my job was done.
I was suddenly in a deep, dark, close and very scary forest. Every time I took a step it got darker and denser. I quickly encountered the hooka-smoking caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland sitting on his mushroom next to a rock. He told me to follow the White Rabbit. So I did. I went down the rabbit hole at the base of the rock. I just kept falling and falling and passing weird things on my way down. I woke up to my alarm before I could reach the bottom. Pity.

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